Female cycles


Live better your feminine cycles

For a large number of women, it is still very complicated to live well with their female cycles.

Today, we are able to reference an impressive number of gynecological diseases.

Without even mentioning the medical complications, all menstruating people feel a gain and a loss of energy at certain times of the cycle, as well as a possible variation of emotions and questioning that can unfortunately be heavy with consequences.

It is not always easy to take a step back from these situations, especially in a society with a spirit of speed and productivity, or in certain communities that consider the subject of menstruation taboo.

Behind this lack of consideration, many women think that pain and menstruation are synonymous with normality.

Some develop physical or mental illnesses that are often diagnosed too late.

Understand that yoga was created by men, for men.

Today as women we have the opportunity to bring more awareness and adapt our practice to our hormonal cycle.

Female cycles

How does it happen ?

During this support I guide you in the observation and understanding of your cycles, we will go to the heart of what you need and how you can apprehend certain situations, sensations and emotions.


I will guide you through yoga, but also Ayurveda, and other holistic tools that will depend on our discussions and your needs.


I accompany you to observe your rhythm, to identify the impacting factors, to identify your deep needs to set up actions helping you to better live your menstrual cycles.

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